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23 квітня 2016 року в рамках Днів відкритих дверей НаУКМА відбулась презентація програм спеціальності "Економіка", яку зробив завідувач кафедри економічної теорії д.е.н., проф. Ю.М.Бажал |
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Що означає і дає бакалаврська спеціальність "Економіка" (Economics)? Відповіді від провідних університетів світу: |
Національний університет "Києво-Могилянська академія" Бакалаврська програма зі спеціальності «Економіка» (Economics) здійснює підготовку фахівців, які володіють сучасним економічним мисленням, теоретичними знаннями і практичними навичками, необхідними для розв’язання завдань предметної області діяльності, формує у випускника здатність вирішувати спеціалізовані практичні проблеми у сфері економіки, що передбачає застосування відповідних теорій та методів економічної науки, зокрема положень загальних законів мікро- та макроекономіки, та розуміння тенденцій розвитку економічних систем, мотивації та поведінки суб’єктів ринку, пояснює соціально-економічні процеси, вивчає методи їхнього моделювання та політику регулювання на різних управлінських рівнях. Компетенції аналітика розвиваються опануванням загальнонаукових методів пізнання, математичних, статистичних та якісних методів економічного аналізу, технік економіко-математичне моделювання, інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, навиками дослідницької діяльності та презентації результатів. Навчальний процес здійснюється згідно з освітньо-кваліфікаційною характеристикою спеціальності для фахівця, здатного виконувати професійну роботу на первинних посадах економіста, економічного радника, консультанта з економічних питань, оглядача з економічних питань, наукового співробітника (економіка). Особливістю програм спеціальності «Економіка» є орієнтація на сучасну модель університетської освіти: поєднання навчання з науковою діяльністю та набуття передових теоретичних знань як основи для формування креативних економічних аналітиків широкого профілю. |
London School of Economics (LSE), Great Britain A first degree in Economics not only prepares you for a career as an economist in government or central bank, financial services, research or consulting. As Economics at LSE addresses the world's toughest problems, our graduates also find satisfaction in a wide variety of satisfying and important roles, ranging from international development to management. A significant number go on to graduate work. |
Harvard University, USA WHAT IS ECONOMICS? Economics is a social science that is at once broad in its subject matter and unified in its approach to understanding the social world. An economic analysis begins from the premise that individuals have goals and that they pursue those goals as best they can. Economics studies the behavior of social systems – such as markets, corporations, legislatures, and families – as the outcome of interactions through institutions between goals - directed individuals. Ultimately, economists make policy recommendations that they believe will make people better off. Traditionally, economics has focused on understanding prices, competitive markets, and the interactions between markets. Important topics such as monopolies and antitrust, income inequality, economic growth, and the business cycle continue to be central areas of inquiry in economics. Recently, though, the subject matter of economics has broadened so that economists today address a remarkable variety of social science questions. Will school vouchers improve the quality of education? Do politicians manipulate the business cycle? What sort of legal regime best promotes economic development? Why do cities have ghettos? What can be done about grade inflation? Why do people procrastinate in saving for retirement – or in doing their homework? In understanding what economics is, it is crucial to keep in mind that economics today is a scientific discipline. Bringing their particular perspective to the questions of social science, economists formulate theories and collect evidence to test these theories against alternative ideas. Doing economic research involves asking questions about the social world and addressing those questions with data and clear - headed logic, employing mathematical and statistical tools whenever appropriate to aid the analysis. An undergraduate education in economics focuses on learning to analyze the world in terms of tradeoffs and incentives – that is, to think like an economist. |
Oxford University, Great Britain Economics is the study of how consumers, firms and government make decisions that together determine how resources are allocated. An appreciation of economics and the general workings of the economy has become increasingly necessary to make sense of governmental policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous changes in economic systems occurring throughout the world. |
Stanford University, USA The mission of the undergraduate program in Economics is to acquaint students with the economic aspects of modern society, to familiarize them with techniques for the analysis of contemporary economic problems, and to develop in them an ability to exercise judgment in evaluating public policy. Why major in Economics? The program introduces students to macro- and microeconomic theory, teaches them to think and write clearly about economic problems and policy issues and to apply the basic tools of economic analysis. The undergraduate major provides an excellent background for those who plan careers in government and private enterprise as well as those pursuing graduate degrees in professional schools or in the field of economics. Watch "A career in Economics...it's much more than you think." produced by the American Economic Association: Much more than finance, banking, business and government, a degree in economics is useful to all individuals and can lead to many interesting career choices. These four diverse individuals offer their insights on how a background in economics can be a tool for solving very human problems.
Уніфіковане міжнародне визначення програм з Economics OVERVIEW OF TYPICAL DEGREES IN ECONOMICS 26. Economics degrees in the first cycle after secondary school fall into three groups: i) general degrees in economics; ii) specialised degrees in economics; and iii) combined degrees with other disciplines. The specific titles will vary from country to country but are frequently referred to as bachelor’s degrees (following the Bologna Process, in Europe it is usually now a three-year degree). Some students leave higher education upon receiving their bachelor’s degree, although ever more students continue on to a master’s degree. 27. General degrees consist of three basic components: i) theoretical principles; ii) methods; and iii) applications. In a typical degree programme, students learn a coherent set of economic ideas that covers both micro and macro principles and the workings of the economy nationally and internationally. In addition, they acquire the appropriate quantitative techniques so that they may reason analytically and collect and analyse economic data. With this toolkit of theory and methods, students then study sets of topic areas in which economic analysis can be, and are, applied. There are many of these topic areas, but the most common examples are health economics, industrial organisation, and labour economics. Studying the application of a coherent set of economic principles to a variety of topics, should teach students how to use this knowledge to design, guide and interpret commercial, economic and social policy. Students are then able to discuss and analyse individual, corporate and institutional behaviour and, in turn, government policy. 28. Specialised degrees in economics contain the general degree’s first two elements (theoretical principles and methods), but with particular concentration on a specific topic area as a third component. Examples include degrees in econometrics, finance and financial economics, public finance, international or development economics, etc. Indeed, in degrees such as econometrics and finance, there is usually an additional specialised mathematical and statistical methods component, such as stochastic calculus or timeseries analysis. In others, such as public finance, the additional detailed study might involve relevant institutional and/or legal frameworks. In some cases, the degree title might be associated with a thematic issue and have a multi-disciplinary aspect. 29. Combined degrees integrate economics with another subject, which may be related to the sciences or the arts/humanities, depending on the faculty in which the student is studying. Such degrees include a significant amount of the first two elements of the general degree, with a limited range of topic areas covered in the third component. It should also be noted that first-cycle degrees in business administration and in management also have an economics component. While this is always a minor element, in some cases it may account for up to 30% of the degree programme.
OVERVIEW OF TYPICAL OCCUPATIONS OF ECONOMISTS WITH A FIRST-CYCLE (BACHELOR’S) DEGREE AND A SECOND-CYCLE (MASTER´S) DEGREE 30. A student who completes a first-cycle (bachelor’s) degree in economics would be unlikely to find employment as an economist immediately upon graduation. He or she would be more likely to take up a general administrative post either in the business/commercial sector or in the government sector. For example, the larger industrial and retail firms and banks run their own graduate-training schemes through which the graduate acquires a range of managerial skills on the job. The percentage of graduates who move straight into employment varies from country to country but appears to be decreasing over time. 31. Graduates with a first-cycle degree might also move on to further structured training, either within the higher-education sector or through some licensing body that can award a professional qualification (examples of a professional qualification would be accountancy and law). Further structured training could include the acquisition of a teaching qualification or the pursuit of a second-cycle (master’s degree) economics qualification. Subsequent to the Bologna Process, this is now usually a two-year degree in Europe.12 Successful completion of the master’s degree should enable the recipient to work as an economist in industry and commerce, banking and finance, in the national or supra-national governments, and in international agencies. However, there is no systematically-collected international data on the careers of graduates with economics degrees.* *від групи експертів Організації економічного співробітництва та розвитку (OECD) {OECD (2011), “Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected and Desired Learning Outcomes in Economics”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 59, OECD Publishing. - http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5kghtchwb3nn-en } |
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